Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Cosmic Bitch Slap

Sooo....It has been far too long since I've posted and even longer since that a post hasn't run down a list of something I enjoy. So it might be important to catch everyone (all 3 people) up on what has been going on in my life. (And let me tell you it's quite a tale). Well first off, I am caught up academically here at SRU, and Will be a full fledged senior come fall of 2009, unfortunatly, I may not be in school. But more on that later. After nearly 3 years of thinking I would be at good ol' SRU for at least an extra semester, I have found out that I will be able to graduate with my fellow class of '06 mates and become the class of '10. Alas, with all that was looking up in my life the things that are greater than I decided to send me back to eartn in a big way. On April 1st I made a choice that altered my future forever. To sum it up I have been charged with Furnishing Minors with Alcohol, and That charge will keep me from becoming a teacher, and SRU has a minimum 1 semester suspension for that charge. So I will be forced to leave school for a semester and come back a semester behind, again. Now that isn't bad by it-self, but coupled with the fact that I will not be able to become a teacher seriously alters what I plan on doing with my life. One, what can I do with a history degree? Not a heckuva lot. So depending on what the court system does I will be left graduating in December of 2010, with esentially a useless degree. Hard times if I ever saw them, but I will not despair (I just realized I have no idea how to spell that word), because If the charges are reduced I can have them exsopunged from my record and I will be able to become a teacher still, and If they aren't changed, well two new options open up to me, maybe they will both be intertwined. With my degree I could head down to DC and work in many of t=Americas finest museums, or if I feel extra daring attend school for another 4-6 years and become Dr. Nishan Thomas Garabedian, and then I will be able to teach again, but this time at College, a bit more prestigious (I really stink at this "English" stuff). So lets recap, my life was going swell, the cosmos Biotch-Slap me and now I am picking up the pieces and moving forward again. So maybe in 2015 or so I will become the first PhD in my family which is, in itself, something that I can get excited about. But we will see what the future holds for me, so Bring it on Cosmos, Mr. Garabedian is coming back for more!

1 comment:

  1. Don't despair bro (you spelled it correctly) Even if you don't become a teacher there are soooooo many options for a history major. You just have to be crafty about it. You can couple it with another major/minor and do pretty much anything. Also, I'm happy that you're not letting this whole thing get you down. We're all behind you, and you know we got your back. No worries, things can only go up from here!!!
    Sorry that was so cheesy...I just don't want you to be sad anymore. love you!
