Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lets Play Ball!

America's Pass-Time is offically back everyone, on April 6th the 2009 Major League Baseball season kicked off. And In case anyone was wondering, I am a Cubs fan, now I am not a huge baseball fan, and Barely know the players on the cubs roster, and don't even ask me about previous Cubs players cause knowledge of them is limited at best. But I am a fan of the MLB's most loveable losers. But this post really isn't about them, all though I will probably talk about their futility sooner or later in a post. No this post is about how baseball is actually a very exciting game, and it's easy to see why it recieved the moniker of America's pass-time. Now for anyone that has watched Baseball on TV we probably both realize, it maybe the most boring sprots event to be put on tv, and if not the most boring deffinatly top 3 (I'm looking at you Golf and NASCAR) but thats ok because Baseball has the unique ability of being a sport better viewed live then on TV. I've been to the big 4 sports events in person (Baseball, Basketball, Football, and Hockey) and Baseball has by far been the most enjoyable live. To starty off anywhere you sit in a baseball stadium is a good seat and you can really tell whats going on (except if it's a pitch or strike but your going to think its one or the other depending whoes batting anyways) but other than that the whole field is open to view, and you can tell what is happening. But in the other sports, especially basketball and Football, depending on where your seats are you can never really tell how great a play was, and in basketball anywhere besides mid court you can never teall whats going on. But in baseball you always know whats happening, also in baseball there is just something about the atmosphere, the ball park is a place to just go and relax. On TV the slow pace of the game is painful, when you are at the park, the laziness of the game works perfectly, just sit back and relaz and enjoy the game. Then of course there's the interaction in baseball, in all the other sports there is very little chance there is any fan involvment, sure maybe a basketball player dives into the crowd, but those seats are so expensive somebody rich or famous is alread there, in hockey the plexiglass seperates the fans, in football they even put up nets to make sure fans don't get kicked balls. But in baseball, home runs are common place and foul balls are routinly thrown to fans. And of course lets not forget even more importantly how fans affect the game, I'm looking at you Steve Bartman and Eric Detweiler. But anyways, Baseball is an American Tradition and I can see why, I can't wait to go see a few ball games this summer.

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