Monday, February 9, 2009

No Mo Foo' Ball

Anyone watch the probowl yesterday? Anyone? No? Well I didn't watch it from start to finish either. But at the conclusion of the Pro Bowl Around 8pm Last night the 2008 NFL season has officialy come to a close. And that is one of the saddest moments of the year. It's that type of sad that you have when something you really like or love goes away, but it'll come back eventually but you're still sad. Like the feeling the day after christmas, or after a party ends and your left the mess to clean, or when you're little and your grandparents come to visit and when they leave, you know the feeling I'm talking about. Well thats how I feel after the pro bowl ends. My favorite pass time is gone.

For those who don't know the Pro Bowl is a special game played between the AFC and NFC the week after the superbowl. The players in the game are selected by Fans, Players, and Coaches. Fans select their favorite player from each position for both teams. The players and coaches do the same, but they aren't allowed to vote for themselves or players on their team. The coaches for each team are the coaches from the losing team of each respective confrences championship game. This year it was the Eagles staff for the NFC and the Ravens Staff for the AFC. It has been held in Hawaii for several years, but soon it will be relocated to Tampa or Miami, I'm not too sure which one right now.

Ok, so this year the NFC won the pro bowl 30-21, and the winners get a $45,000 bonus, and the losers get $22,500. Now I like the pro bowl, it's fun to see these star studded teams take the field. Peyton Manning to Andre Johnson? YES PLEASE! Drew Brees to Larry Fitzgerald? Holy cow, these are fantasy team wet dreams. But One problem for me with the pro bowl. When it is held, the week after the super bowl? The Super Bowl is the quintessential NFL game and then to follow it up with little more than an exhibition game? Sorry that doesn't quite work. Now how about you move it up 2 weeks? ahh! now the game gets some more attention. For those who don't know, There is a 2 week period between the conference championships and the SB, That one sunday where no football of any type happens is a lonely lonely sunday, after nearly 5 months worth of sundays with football to suddenly cut us off like that is cruel, so you place the pro bowl that weekend and boom you get a renewed interest in the pro bowl. It seems like a win win for everyone. The players from the super bowl that were elected to the PB would probably be ok with the fact they can't play in that game, the super bowl is the super bowl for a reason.

But back to the facts, excluding 4 days next week there will be no major football action until near the end of April. So lets see, february, March, April. After 5 months, 6 if you count preseason, of football action we are left with nothing for nearly 3 months. I used to have the NFL network that had full coverage of the NFL combine, and talked about NFL non stop so at least I could stop in and watch there for my football fill, but alas I no longer have that channel, and i am left with waiting until April for the NFL draft. It is a sad day for me!

1 comment:

  1. (FROM DMG) - Listen to NFL radio on Sirius on the internet.
