Thursday, February 5, 2009

So I know I'm going to come off as just an angry prick now, but WTFs up with smoking? Ciggarets to be specific. I just don't get it. Yea ok it's an addicting drug and can be hard to stop once you start. So, why even start in the first place? There is nothing positive or attractive about smoking. It makes your teeth yellow, your lungs black, your skin discolored, makes your clothes and hair reek...just nothing good. And don't give me any of this well all my friends do it so i have to do it too, your friends are idiots and your a bigger idiot if you follow along. And to those of you who think smoking makes you look more intelligent or intellegent is it to use a product that right on packaging says more or less "if you use this product you're health is probably going to get fucked, hard" And all you people that hold on to your cigaretes because your stubborn and don't feel like people have the right to take what you love away from you, I think a) you're just a stubborn jackass b) you do have that right, but why you want to keep cigaretes of all things is beyond me and c) if you get lung cancer, thorat cancer, mouth cancer, anything directly related to cigarete usage, I feel no sympathy for you. I know that may sound heartless, but seriously it says right on the fucking box your going to get cancer if you smoke. Patrick swazye of "dirty dancing" and "ghost" fame has cancer, and guess what he smoked before and smokes now. Seriously, he states that unless his cancer gets better hes not going to give up the things he loves. Well guess what Pat, how about you go get some aids, and while you are getting treated you stick your self with used drug needles? Got a bad case of e. coli pat? here's some raw meat and eggs for you to munch on. Jesus Christ! Smokers, I don't understand you and never will.

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