Friday, February 27, 2009

Updates on mi life

Hello all 5 or 6 of you out there, I think I'll take a break from my usual top 10 post, and give everyone an update about whats going on in my life. So, first off, my dad just had neck surgery, but he's good and should be back on to his Fatboy and Ironhorse in no time. The surgery was to relieve pressure on his spine or something like that, he got it in a car accident several years ago in New Jersey, and it has slowly gotten worse.

"Spring" break starts today after classes here at SRU and pretty much every other PA state school. I quote spring because it's still february and the first day of spring is like march 19th. so yea it's more like midterm vacation. Of course for all my christians out there it is now day 3 of lent, aka 37 more days til easter. For lent this year I have given up all liquids except water, last year I gave up soda and that was tough but at least I had tea and juice, this year nothing, just water and if I'm lucky some flavored water. My friend Bubba tried to give up cursing, he broke that like 10 times in the first 3 minutes of doing so.

Over break I will begin work on an 8 page minimum research paper, the Subject? one side of my family through at least 3 generations. I've decided to focus on my moms side, I could have chosen my Dads for the whole he's Iraqi standpoint, but I know very little about the Garabedians, so I will go over to the Kenjosians and research my mom, gradpa, and great grandmother. It should be fun but extremly tideous.

Apparently a blood vessel popped in my eye now I look like the T-800. And the red in my eye has grown larger all week, at first it was barely noticable but now it's covering a large portion of the eye. Weird! Speaking of giant killing robots, I'm glad Wall-E won the Oscar last sunday, I'm pretty sure it could have made a run for best picture.

I'm not sure when I will post again, probably not until after break on the 8th so until then peace honkey!

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