Wednesday, February 4, 2009

First venture into blogging

Hello all of you reading this, which I am going to assume is a very small number of you at this point. This is my blog, and as you can see my name is Nishan. Nishan Thomas Garabedian to be exact, and I'll be damned if that wasn't one of the hardest parts of kindergarten was learning to spell my whole name. I am creating this blog for several reasons

1. I just got done reading my sisters blog, check it out at
2. Why not create a blog and let the world know how I feel about certain subjects ranging from school, to family, to sports, religion, politics, and anywhere inbetween.
3. well Ill explain 3 a little bit later in this post

Well I think I should just introduce myself a little and let you know where I am coming from for the rest of this blogs life! You already know my full name, I am a 21 1/2 year old male, I am the middle child of a 5 person family and I love them very much, My home residence is in Red Lion, PA. And it is as country as it sounds. I have a wonderful girlfriend named Laura, and I love her very much. I am attending Slippery Rock University to become a history teacher (which is the reason I am creating this blog, because knowing about peoples lives throughout time is very intersting to me, nerdy to the extreme I know). My favorite activities include watching movies, playing video games, listening to music that annoys other people (Hello by Lionel Richie is a great one) Watching/discussing anything Football, and having fun whenever possible. I am usually a funny guy and am easy to get along with. I don't have extreme views on most things, but I believe in my stances. The Discovery channel is the most awesome channel around, I am one of the worst spellers you'll ever meet, but i try to make my words look like they sound so it shouldn't be too hard reading this blog. For an example of how bad I spell I didn't know how to correctly spell little until 8th grade It sounds like LIT-TELL so i spelled it littel, I know WTF.

Well now that you know a little about me, I think we should get right into my first rant, I was just going to tell you about my family, but I'll save that for later. No my first post is going to be about one of my favorite hobbies/activities/pass-times, whatever you want to call it, Football. This past weekend the Pittsburgh Steelers won their franchises 6th super bowl, or the most by any team ever. (The Packers Bears and Giants all have more Championships but this isn't about them) In case you were wondering SRU is about 45 mins north of Pittsburgh, thus making it in prime steelers country, or if its anywhere west of the Susquehanna river in PA thats Steeler country. I mention this because, before I started to going to school here, I didn't mind the steelers, in fact I'd go so far as to say I liked the steelrs. But alas times have changed, I indeed hate the steelers now, their fans, god love them for being dedicated, are without a doubt the most annoying in the NFL. Philly fans are rude, NY jets/giants fans are split between the teams losing their intesity and packer fans are all Favre bandwagoners, but "Stilla" fans are annoying. Before SB XLIII you say anything about the steelers and all they say is 5 rings. Why is pittsburgh so good? 5 rings, why are they going to win this SB? 5 rings, why does troy Palamalu grow his hair so long? 5 rings. You get the point, but now that they have the most SB rings it has become almost unbearable to see all the black and gold jerseys and the non stop, 6-pack and 6-burgh talk. No doubt if I didn't go to school anywhere near Pittsburgh, I would be happy for them what they've accomplished is great, but I'm sick of hearing it already. Also a shout out to the Cards who came with in 30 some seconds of their first NFL championship in 61 years, they are a good looking team and are young at almost every position, they should be a force for years to come.
Well guys, thats all I have for right now, I'll probably post several times a day just as a break from the constant reading I do so check back often for some more posts.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you started a blog, Tom! Can't wait to read what you write. Thanks for the shout-out!
