Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tid Bits

I just read a list by Sean Nelson, it was a list of actors he thinks need to hang up the gloves and retire from acting. Check here for the full article. But I will run down some of the actors that he thinks should retire and I think should keep on keepin' on.

Second guy on Sean's list, Al Pachino. Now I don't disagree with this as Al probably has his best work well behind him, but I think Al has earned the right to stay on as long as he likes. Al Pachino, Robert DeNiro, and Jack Nicholson have earned the right to do whatever they please with their careers.

Very Next Guy. Will Smith. I was enjoying this article very much until I came upon this little tid-bit of Sean's "I liked DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince a lot, and though I never saw the TV show, I have been disappointed in every step of Smith's career since." Really? You're basing the guys entire acting career on his rap career? The fresh prince, aka Will Smith, was not an actor until his hit series "The Fresh Prince od Bel Air". Sean lost all credibility with me right there. One TFPOBA is one of the funniest shows ever and has, in my opinion carved it self out as our generations greatest TV show. But to say Will's career has been on a downward spiral since, is ludacris. Will was in a lot of summer blockbusters early on (Independence Day and Bad Boys) but just because critics give no respect to these movies is to say Will is a bad actor, and he has really stepped his game up in recent years, I felt that his performance in I Am Legend was fantastic, and his Portrayal as Muhammed Ali in Ali was also amazing. Am I dissapointed he is remaking karate kid? Hell yea, but, Will is turing into this generations top actor.

Sean Astion, was in second in actors that need to retire because, Sean the author was afraid Sean the actor would be typecast as a hobbit the rest of his career, and then he gave us this nugget. "It's not quite to Christopher Reeve levels, where the portrayal was so iconic that the actor literally had to become paralyzed before anyone was capable of thinking of him out of his costume." Yea thats right Sean Nelson said Christopher Reeve's had to break his neck to stop being considered Superman. Mr. Nelson, WTF? One thats a low blow, and two Sean is a fantastic actor, but really hasn't he been type cast all his career? Goonies, loveable loser. Rudy, Loveable loser underdog, Lord of the Rings, loveable loser sidekick. Thats who Sean Astion is, the loveable loser, and he plays that part perfectly, you on the other hand are a bit of a joke Mr. Nelson.

Here is my list of actors who shoul quit while they're ahead.

1. Harrison Ford. I know he's an Icon but he's not the same young gun he used to be. Indiana Jones and Han Solo are some of the most Iconic film characters, ever, And if you've never seen Witness, well go do that now. But Age has caught up with him, I haven't seen Indy 4 yet, but I hear it's awful because Harrison just doesn't make a good 50ish Indy. So Mr. Ford quit while you're ahead.

2. Tim Allen. Home Improvement may rank right behind Fresh Prince on my top 90's sitcoms. And his work in the Toy Story series put pixar on the map. But what else is there? I liked him in the original Santa Clause, but the next two are rubbish. And other than that it's been a bit of a train wreck so, Tim quit while you're ahead. (Unless TS3 is in the works, get on that).

3. Jon Heder. Or better known as Napoleon Dynamite. Now you want to talk about Type Cast. Jon will never, and I mean never live down that role. I did like him in Surfs Up as Chicken Joe. But other than that, you're Napoleon. So quit while you're ahead Jon. (I think now's a good time to let everyone know if someone is the voice in an animated movie, I'll probably enjoy that performance)

Ok now here are two people I believe should get more parts.

Djimon Hounsou. He played Juba in Gladiator, The handyman in Beauty Shop, The trainer in Never Back Down, and will play a bad guy in the upcoming movie Push. This guy is good, I really like him and think any part he gets will be better because of it. He reminds me of Morgan Freeman and Don Cheadle.

Patrick Warburton. He's one of those, That Guy actors. You probably know him by his voice. here's a quick rundown of his more famous roles. Joe Swanson on Family Guy, Krunk in The Emperors New Groove, The tick in The Tick, Agent T in Men in Black II, Buzz Lightyear in the Buzz light Year tv series. Now I can't explain to you how much i've laughed at this guy, he has such a sense of dry, dumb wit humor. And He makes almost every role he's in memorable.

1 comment:

  1. ok but...Djimon Hounsou he was in Blood Diamond with Leo that movie was crazy good and he just knocked up Kimora Lee Simmons so he's got that going for him... which is nice
