Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Ha Ha not really, but listen. In my Contemporary Middle East Class on Tuesday a young man in the back of the class said something a little bit....weird. The Professor had just raised the question, Is it possible for someone in the US government to overthrow it and set up a dictatorship ala Hitler in Germany, The Bolshevics in Russia, Sadam, Castro, nameless others. There was a healthy discussion, that with the US system and how long it had been in place an overthrow of the US goverment was higly unlikely from someone on the inside, even the Pres would be hard pressed to accomplish the feat. There was talk of the right conditions for an overthrow like a national disaster, a long career, coupled with hard economic times and other things. I'm not suggesting that we're in that time now or will I ever. Americas goverment while shady at best and inefficent at worst won't be taken over from the inside. But That young man, well he not only thought it possible, but it's actually happening as we speak.
Student:"They say the best way to enslve a people is to disarm them. And with obama wanting to ban automatic weapons from the public thats just what he's doing, he doesn't want us to fight back when he tries to take over."
Yea sit back for a bit and let that sink feel that? Thats a WTF. Now banning automatic weapons to me, seems like a great idea. Also I am a fan of the second amendment, and believe if you want to own a gun you go ahead and own a gun. But that doesn't mean you get to own any fucking gun you want. The second amendment was intended for all people to own a weapon so they could join in arms and form the US army in times of need, not so they can claim they're allowed to have whatever type of boom stick they damn well please. But seriously, automatic rifiles for our men and women in the services=great idea. Automatic rifle for Joe Sixpack= bad, bad idea. Ask yourself this question, what do you need with an automatic rifle? Do you plan on running into a horde of rabid grizzly bears soon? Is it the zombie apocalypse already? You going hunting and you run into a crowd of 100, 10 point bucks? NO! So why do you need an automatic rifle. you don't!
So this kid believes that because Obama wants to ban a useless weapon for the public, from the public, which is not too stable to begin with, so that means he's a few months and a proposed bill away from total dictatorship? WRONG. And this point was brought up by the class who were pretty much all against this kid as in a "your full of BS that ain't gonna happen kind of way", but this kid pointed out, we're in a recession, people are fanatical about Obama, he is taking weapons away, we're in a war, and we had a national disaster not too long ago, these are all logical steps toward domination. At that point I had it up to the proverbally here with the kid, so I turn to him and say
"You think the US government is going to be overthrown by obama?"
"Yes, all signs point to it"
"Oh you mean economic hardships, a national disaster, a president with unprecedented support, new radical legislation, and a war will lead to the overthrow of this government?"
"Yea thats whats going to happen"
This is when I dropped the end game F-U on the kid
"President Franklin Roosevelt Took over as president during the GREAT DEPRESSION, created social security and welfare, led the nation through pearl harbor, and WWII, all the while being so popular he was elected to 4 terms aka 16 years in office, and yet the US government still stands. FDR met all of your qualifications and then some and yet we never talk about the roosevelt dictatorship, and now with a limit on presidential terms obama will probably never meet the 'take over' standards as perfectly as FDR did and you still believe he's going to overthrough the government?"
The kid didn't respond, and the lesson moved on.
So seriously, have your opinions but don't make them ridiculous, you don't like Obama, fine don't like him, but don't claim it's because he is enslaving the US citizens for his coup of the gov.

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