Thursday, February 12, 2009

Top 10 Movies based on books

Here is a completly un-objective list of the Top 10 movies based on books

10. Friday Night Lights.
Based on the Book "Friday Night Lights; A Town, A Team, A Dream" The book and movie are about the Permian Pathers, a high school in texas' football team. It follows the story of the team as they make a run for playoffs, and make a run through the playoffs. Both the movie and book capture the fever that is highschool football, and the joys and dissapointments it brings to the players, coaches, and towns people. A great read and watch for any sports fan.

9. Letters From Iwo Jima
Letters from Iwo Jima is based on the same book by the same title. The book tells of the battle of Iwo Jima from the perspective of the Japanese soliders. The movie is haunting as it portrays these young men in ways you probably never thought of. The book is based on letters found by the commanding officer of the Japanese army on Iwo Jima. I suggest that any of you who read this go to blockbuster and get a copy of letters.

8.The Notebook
Based on, ah heck only girls read this blog anyways you know what the book and movie are about. But anyways, I actually liked this movie, The ending brought tears to my eyes.

7. The Green Mile
Based on the 7 part Mini book series that made up The Green Mile. Both the Book and movie focus on Paul Edgecomb, a prison security guard who is incharge of death row during the great depression. The move talks about the events that surrounded the death of John Coffey. A strange inmate on the green mile, who has some sort of divine healing power, both the book and movie are moving, also try and watch the John Coffey death scene with out chocking up, i'll wait, no i can't because you can't no choke up at that scene. Another book and movie I can't recommend any higher.

6. Jurassic Park
Based on Jurrasic Park. The story: Dinosaurs brought back to life and are placed in worlds greatest zoo. Dinosaurs start actting like dinos and eat all people at zoo. Dinosaurs, if that isn't enough to make you read/watch i don't know what is.

5. 300
Based on graphic comic 300. While not technically a book, it is in printed form beform motion picture form. Follows the story of 300 highly trained spartan soliders as they face off against the persian army in a fight to protect their homeland. The movie while deffinatly a testosterone party is a much deeper movie, don't believe me? watch it a second time after you fight the urge to kill a bear with your bare hands chop off the bears hands and kill another bear with your bear hands, and you'll see the movie has a deep love story, nationlistic story, its funny, its drama heavy, and it's enjoyable from start to finish.

4.Harry Potter
Based on the Harry Potter series. Can't pick a favorite move just like I can't pick a favorite book (Actually thats a lie the 4th book is my fave) But the movies have seem to become more and more awesome as they progress, 1 was awesome when it came out but was actually poopy, 2 was the same except not as exciting at launch, 3 was good but you have to ease into it, 4 showed promise, but it fell short of my expectations, and 5 was the best so far, and with 6 only a few months away, and 7 set to be in 2 movies things only look up for Harry.

3. Lord of the Rings
The most beloved fantasy book created one of the most beloved fantasy trilogies. The books and movies follow frodo and his band of loyal friends as they try to destroy the ring of power, before sauron, ok I feel really nerdy explaining the books and movies to you so i'm going to stop and say return of the king is one of 3 movies in the histroy of the oscars, 81 years worth to win 11 oscars. Those are pretty good numbers.

2. The Godfather
Yea it's a book, look it up in wikipedia if you don't believe me, ok so i'm about to discredit myself, but I have never seen the Godfather, not one minute of any one of them, sorry I know I'm supposed to be the movie buff of the Garabedians, but I've never seen the greatest movies of all time according to some, but I am doing them an honor and placing them at 2. I left 1 for a movie and book I have watched and Read

1. Brian's Song
Based on the Book I Am Third. The book is an autobiography by Gale Sayers, The movie is about Brian Piccolo. The book has one chapter in it describing the plight of Brian Piccolo, and it became the most successful TV movies ever and arguably the best sports movie ever. The movie is about Brian Piccolo, a Chicago Bears RB in the mid to late 60's. Brian and Gale have a strong freindship, and Brian helps Gale through a tough knee injury. Then Brian gets cancer and Gale tries to help Brian, but Brian passes away. Now there are 2 movies men are allowed to cry during, and only 2 with out being ridiculed by others. One is old Yeller. The other is Brian's Song. A great buddy movie, a great sports movie, a great tear jerker movie. Yep Brian's Song has it all.


  1. Joy Piccolo wrote a book about her husband Brian and his fight with cancer, It was titled "Brian's Song". The movie is based on both this book and the Gale Sayers book. (This was a footnote by Diane)

  2. The book is actually Brian Piccolo: A short Season written by Brian Piccolo, Joy Piccolo, and Jeannie Morris. The book is Brian Piccolo's Auto/Biography. It was wriiten by Brian Piccolo, (who was planning on writing an autobiography) and by his Wife Joy, and Jeannie Morris, wife of Johnny Morris a friend and teammate of Brian Piccolo.
