Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Top 10 Video Games

I think I will start a new reaccuring blog. Top 10. I will List a top 10 list of my favorite or least Favorite things this issue I will Focus on my top 10 videogames.

10. The NCAA series. I once saw an episode of the videogame review show X-Play and they reviewed NCAA 2003. I asked for it for christmas, and I was hooked. In fact NCAA 2009 is the only one I don't own since locking onto the series 6 years ago. Favorite Moment: Using the Notre Dame fighting Irish Mascot team to dismantle USC.

9. Donkey Kong Country. Ah everyone's favorite Gorilla and Monkey cousin. DKC is probably my favorite Super Nintendo Game. It had action adventure a great story and fun gameplay. The mine cart level cause unlimited amounts of frustration and brings new meaning to the word oopah! Favorite Moment: When King Krunk comes back for round 2 in the final boss fight

8. Tennage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4: Turtles in Time. Haven't played this since before the mid 90's and I remember it as the most awesome game of my young life. Looking at the cover makes me want to go out and play it right now. Favorite Moment: The entire dinosaur level

7. The Madden NFL football Series. Seriously, what guy gamer doesn't have madden in his top 10 list? The thrill of taking over your favorite players is a fantasy we all have and thanks to this amazing sports series, we're allowed to do that. Favorite Moment: Creating a fantasy team that has Drew Brees at qb Larry Fitzgerald at WR, LT and AP sharing the back field, and Brian Urlacher and Bob Sanders wrecking havock on D.

6. GTA: Vice City. GTA Vice city is a spinoff of the popular GTA series, it takes place in the 80's in Miami like Vice city. This game is awesome for it's open endness and the ability to ride motorcycles and helicopters. Favorit Moment: First Time speeding on a motorcycle.

5. Super Mario 64. One of the first true fully 3d video games. And it pulled it off perfectly. The level designs were varied, the game play was fun, the story captive. If Mario wasn't the poster boy for video games before, SM64 cemented him there. Favorite Moment: In the sky level, falling off the edge near the top of the level only to grab the ledge of the final platform at the bottom of the level.

4. Mario Kart. Doesnt Matter which one. They're all great. But I guess we should talk about his most recent game on the Wii. There's a reason you can't find this game. It maybe one of the most fun games the wii has to offer and anyone can play. Favorite Moment: Taking the lead via a star, super mushroom, or blue turtleshell.

3. Super Smash Brothers. Fighting games had been around a long time. Beat up the other guy until his health reaches zero. Nintendo said, what if, and that was that. SSB for the N64 combined your favorite characters from the nintendo universe and had them beat the crap out of each other. The box cover was all you needed to see how sweet the game really was, mario about to stone cold stun pickachu? Instant classic. Favorite Moment: Having captain Falcon's Falcon Punch send an enemy flying off stage.

2. Star Fox 64. Probably the best game you could have bought for 64 along with SSB. star fox was a game I could pick up now and enjoy from start to finish. The missions were all the same kill anything that moved, and the game executed that game flawlessly, the novice could have fun tapping A until their finger fell off and the more experianced gamer had fun trying to complete the game by taking the hard route. Favorite Moment: Attacking planet Venoms Outer Defense system, Probably the hardest level in the game, but it's soo much fun.

1. Super Smash Bros: Melee. Ok I know you're going to say, you clumped all the mario karts into one catergory, you should do the same here. But SSBM is a whole different experiance than the original. To imagine how much this game has improved on it's predocessor imagine the evolution of TV start with the the Black and white TV, now imagine the very next one you buy is a flat screen HD plasma. Yea thats what SSBM is to SSB. They more than doubled the number of characters (12 to 26) the graphics improved to the point where you could the stiches in the players clothing. And they added new features, game play modes, stages, and types of attackes. Favorite Moment: For me it was breathing fire with bowser for the first time, but again the Falcon Punch Finisher is always satisfying.


  1. haha I can't believe you remembered OOPAH!That was the most frustrating level of my liiife! Good list, Tom...Good list!

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